Yes, I've been gone a while and yes, my legions of fans have been wondering where the hell I've been. Well, I was on vacation, training and dutifully updating the Gut Chronicles and then he worst cold since the Spanish Flu of 1914 hit me and I haven't done much worth writing about since. Fortunately for me, after a week or so of fighting it off I'm feeling pretty much fit as a fiddle so I'm back on it.
Saturday was a glorious day and since I had to go register my kids for soccer, I thought it would be a good time to hop on Serena for the first time in two weeks and pedal my ass down to soccer registration seven miles away and get some exercise in.
The ride was a great ride and part of it took me through charming downtown Tustin. Downtown Tustin is a quaint olde style village that has wide tree lined streets and a feeling that takes you back to a gentler time. In spite of the fact that downtown Tustin has the old vibe, they have plenty of necessities such as:
Albertos, no community is complete without a spot to get a huge greasy burrito that will put you in a four day coma!
Tough to see in the above photo but Deva's. Deva's is a dumpy bar where the one time I went, the bartender was this 50+ year old chick in a thong bikini. Strangest thing I ever saw in my life that was legal.
The Swinging Door! A quaint tavern where hot chicks in ultra tiny bikini's serve you beer. How do I know this you ask? I know this because my wife likes to hang out there with her friends. I myself have never had the pleasure of going to The Swinging Door so I thought I'd stop in for a cold beer to knock the dust off but those bastards weren't open at 10:15am. Stupid Swinging Door.
After cruising through Old Tustin, I made my way back to Santa Ana. On this particular route home, I was reminded of how much parts of Santa Ana really are like Mexico. Everywhere I looked, I could have sworn I had somehow traveled to Mexico on Serena:
In parts of Santa Ana, all he signs are in Espanol
These two beefy mammas walking down the street wearing clothes two sizes too small for them reminded me of Mexico
Not Mexico, but Santa Ana, CA
Just like in Mexico, parts of Santa Ana have a very loose interpretation of what is and what is not an acceptable place to dump trash
Ultimately I made the turn for home and rode past the old Santa Ana courthouse. This building is really cool, well over 100 years old, and an example of one of the things people love about Santa Ana.
The old Santa Ana courthouse, very cool spot
Not too much of a point to this post other than to say sorry for not posting, I was sick, now I'm better, and I rode Serena 14 miles on Saturday and you can expect to hear more from me.
ps. Eat me
Welcome back!