Thursday, October 13, 2011

I've Gone Viral!

No really, I have a cold going so I'm literally viral. Last weekend was a booze fueled foodfest with limited exercise but I managed to use moderattion so no weight was gained. I'm holding steady at a paltry 14 pounds lost but its better than a sharp stick in the eye.

Today I'm back on the road and I'm sick, so there will be no hotel exercise (insert jerking off jokes here). The photo above is of my large Americano (note I didn't say Vente). The reason this photo is relevant is that I took some Dayquil non drowsy just before downing this gallon of caffine laden fast acting laxitive. Now I'm sitting on an airplane waiting for it to take off and I think I need to take a growler. It could be serious clutch cargo time until they turn off the seatbelt sign. Wish me luck.

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