Friday, March 30, 2012

Had a Little Whoopsie-Daisy

The above is a photo of what started my undoing yesterday.  After three days of being a stud at the gym and at the dining table, I had very sore legs so I decided not to work out.  Not working out is one thing but then going and eating four tons of sushi is another.  I figured the sushi isn't so bad, just one lunch, so when I got home I decided to have a glass of Dashwood Sauvignon blanc and that's when things went south.  After a couple of glasses I did the fatal " day of being free won't hurt" so I had more wine, then some brownies (multiple), then some Trader Joes Parmesan crisps...then bed.  We can just consider yesterday a learning experience.

On the exercise front, I keep threatening to sign up for the OC half marathon but I'm trying to figure out how I can train for that thing and continue to ride Serena to work most days.  The problem is, my legs get sore as hell if I'm running AND riding the bike so I haven't worked out a solution yet.  I didn't ride today and I'm going to try a long run tomorrow to see what happens.  I need to make sure I remember to lube my nipples and asscrack so I don't get the long run chaffing that comes with a first time out six miler.

Stay tuned!

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